Bomet District

Bomet District is an administrative district in the Rift Valley Province of Kenya. Its capital town is Bomet. The district has a population of 382,794 (1999 census) and an area of 1,882 km² [1].

Local authorities (councils)
Authority Type Population* Urban pop.*
Bomet Municipality 42,024 4,426
Bomet County County 340,770 244
Total - 382,794 4,670
* 1999 census. Source: [2]
Administrative divisions
Division Population* Urban pop.* Headquarters
Bomet Central 120,759 3,978 Bomet
Longisa 75,550 227 Longisa
Ndanai 37,910 0 Ndanai
Sigor 43,583 0 Sigor
Siongiroi 61,116 0
Sotik 41,609 0
Tinet Forest 2,234 0
Total 382,794 4,205 -
* 1999 census. Sources: [3], [4],

The district has three electoral constituencies:

External links